In Room 11 we all did homework projects about Ancient Egypt. I choose to do my project on mummies. We had three weeks. We brought our projects to school one Monday to show every one what we had learnt. We had to present our projects in very creative ways. My project in a box. On the front was a paining of Tutankhamen and when you open it it shows you how mummies were made. Then there are 12 dolls wrapped in bandages and when you pick the mummy up there is the facts. On Friday we put a comment sheet on our desk next to it was our project and we got to walk around the class and look at all the projects and comment on each others project. Here are the comments I got:
''Hi Mia I love your project. Its well presented and facts are interesting" From Emma.
"Hi Mia I love how you presented your work it was clear and well written" From Celia.
"Hi Mia I love the little mummies and the front is amazing" From Mia M.
"Hi Mia your project is amazing I love it.I ts so cute" From Annabella.
"Hi Mia Its really good to see your mummies it looks awesome" From Langi.
"Very cool Mia I like the mummies a lot"From Jack.