Monday, April 25, 2011

Term One Reflections: Georgia, Felix, Mary Jane and Thomas

Reflection of Term One
I have surprised myself this term by how much work I have done while managing time wisely. I have enjoyed 'The Colonisation Game' and learning about how sailors lived on boats in the middle of nowhere in the 1600's. 
I especially enjoyed using my presentation skills on my homework project about England in the 1600's.
I have always struggled with maths but I am finally getting little skills to subtract, times and so on, thanks to being in Ruth's class.
I need to develop my leadership skills in groups by making sure everyone in my group can express their opinions.
By Georgia

Reflection on Term One
One of the best things about coming to Grey Lynn School is being a class leader and looking after the younger kids.
I enjoyed writing biographies on our famous person. I also enjoyed learning about the art like landscapes and the foreground, mid-ground, background, horizon lines and much more.
Above all my most favourite thing would have to be The Colonisation Game because it was full of decisions to make.
As you can see we have done alot of work this term and it was all fun! I loved being at Grey Lynn School this term, it is awesome!
By Felix

My Life, My Goals and My Achievements in Term One
This year has been a busy year so far and I have learnt millions of things but I am going to write about what I liked the most.
I pushed myself to become better at what I struggle at....maths. In maths I learnt how to add and subtract big and small numbers. In writing it took me ages to write two biographies, a made up one about the wolf from The Three Little Pigs and a real one on Roald Dahl. 
I am amazed at what I have done in reading. I worked on a poster called 'The Vile Vessel' and its about people exploring for new lands and their boats. It was amazing to learn about.
In handwriting we learnt how to link our writing. It was quite confusing because it was hard to link some letters together. In spelling we did cool activities about homophones and long and short 'a' and 'e' sounds. It was hard because they can be hard to spell. 
There is heaps more to write about but I will take forever!
By Mary Jane

Work! Work! Work!
We learnt about colonisation, England in the 1600's, landscapes, algorithms.....and my favourite, swimming. 
Swimming sports meant heaps of awesome practice and before we knew it, "Clap", went the clappers which sent us racing down the lanes with people cheering you on the whole way. Just finishing is enough for me, I love it!
Guess what?! I am getting better at spelling! I have noticed a huge change at school and at home. I can spot where there is a silent letter and where to put in speech marks (spelling isn't so bad!).
This term was awesome.
By Thomas


  1. Grey Lynn School StaffTuesday, May 17, 2011

    HelloRoom 11.

    WOW! We think your work is tauke! Maybe you can look that word up and tell us what it means.

    We enjoyed reading your reflections about Term 1 and looking at all the different ways you have presented work.

    Grey Lynn School Teachers

  2. awesome writing Mary jane and Thomas,I enjoyed reading your writing and I like how your paragraphs are so colourful.

    Lorietta :):)
