Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our Class Pets by Mia V and Eva

In Room 11 we collect soft toys, all sorts of them but they have to be strictly animals only. All the animals have a name like Sam the dog. There's 14 animals but if you count the triplet bears as three there's 16 animals in total. In our class we get to look after a animal for the day if Ruth has seen us doing what we should be doing. Ruth calls the pets her furry friends. The one thing we do not have is a giraffe furry friend. If you did not know, Ruth loves giraffes. Our furry friends put smiles on faces. Our furry friends give us comfort for the day. All us kids love our furry pets.

Front row: Triplets, Harry, Alice, Soso, Floyd
2nd row: Pipi, Gorge, Poppy, Sam, Dudley, Garry
Back row: Bluey, Geoffosaurus


  1. Make sure you teach them all the 'Grey Lynn Way.'

  2. Hello Eva and Mia V,

    those stuffed toys,I mean 'Furry Friends' must be a real treat to keep them for the whole day!Also make sure they dont be naughty and let them be no distraction to you what so ever.
