Monday, July 8, 2013

A Technological Invention: Hairties by Livana and Anouska

Hair ties from Room 11 on Vimeo.

TASK: Choose a technological item that is important to you and find out information about it. WRITE a poem speech, report, song or rap about it.


  1. Delphine (Livana's mum)Monday, July 08, 2013

    Very informative indeed. Lots of things I didn't know... I loved the animation as well! Well done girls!

    1. Thank you Delphine it was very nice of you to comment
      From Livana and Anouska.

  2. love it livi plus i just want to say that you kind of are a bit keynote - aholic

    1. Thanks Kate, you know that me AND Anouksa did it together!

  3. Hi Livana and Anouska I really like your slide show. I knew a lot more at the end than at the start.Great work girls.


  4. HI Anouska and Livana
    Personally I CERTAINLY agree with that topic because I wear them
    NEARLY every day plus I never knew before the ponytail was the snood
    to be honest I never knew it existed at ALL!
    I could actually try it out but I think my hair would be a bit too small.
    Anyway I really think that was a amazing idea. Who thought of the idea first?
