Friday, July 1, 2011

The Unauthorised Biography of Hansel and Gretel by Lucy

Lucy wrote and recorded this story.

The Unauthorised Biography Of Hansel and Gretel from Room 11 on Vimeo.


  1. an absolute bonza story whcih might keep me up all night.....

  2. Wow what a cool story! I love the animation and I really enjoyed finding out what happened to that nasty old witch.

  3. Lucy,
    I can't believe you did all of this yourself.Its such and amazing movie i like the drawings and how the picture changed every time you were talking about them,like when the little girl gets bigger and bigger.Well done!!!!

  4. Hello Lucy,
    Wow! What an amazing story! The drawing were absoultly amazing and also your discriptive language was spectacular! Well Done and keep up the good work!


  5. Hi Lucy,

    I listened to your story more than once and did so in a dark room on a windy night. Not too sure I should have done that. Your prosaic language and eerie recording added the the dramatic effect of the story. Well done Lucy on a beautifully written story. I think you should send it into Tikkity Boo to be published.

  6. Lucy, That was really cool! Room 1 really enjoyed the pictures. We thought you read it fabulously. We liked your confidence and clear voice.

  7. Dear Lucy,

    Alex, James and I just watched and listened to your story. We thought it was fantastic. Excellently macabre and wonderfully descriptive. Nice work, Lucy!

    John aka Alex's Dad

  8. Wow!
    that was so awsome, your such a talented writer. The way you made your voice eco was the perfect touch to your story. I also liked the way you used cartoons to describe your story WELLDONE!

  9. Hello Lucy.
    I liked the way you changed the story so we didn't
    know what was going to happen :D.

  10. To Lucy,
    We liked how you made the starting of the story different.
    We liked how you did not tell us the rest of the plan because you said it was a child friendly website.
    We even liked how neat you wrote the picture.

    From Toby and Aum.

  11. Wow! That was an interesting story.I really loved your photos .I think your a talented writer.

  12. Hi lucy
    your video about the little girl and old women was fantastic.My favourite part of your video was the end of your video because the old women got eaten by the little boy and the little girl ate the old women but that was gross?
    from GWYENTH

  13. hi lucy
    I really like your video on your class blog .I like how you drew the picture and your video was great and I really like it.
    from ulycess
