Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jack's Inquiry Learning

For last few weeks in room11 we have been doing our inquiry projects. First we all choose a subject related to the human body and choose a good way to present our learning in our own unique ways. I came up with the idea for making a stop motion and because of my love for Lego I thought it would be a good way present my learning. The subject I choose was death and dying, so I looked around to see what I could find out about it. Once I did that I got some of my lego people and use the official Lego stop motion app, once I took my 511 photos I recorded my voice over it. I thought it was very fun and I'm really proud of it and I hope you enjoy it.               

Jack's Movie from Room 11 on Vimeo.


  1. Love the animation Jack.

    1. Hi Mr Barker,Sepora and Liesel. Thanks for the great comments.

  2. Love the sound effects, the script and the way you have delivered your message. Liesel and I enjoyed the show.

    PS Liesel said your spelling was great!
