Thursday, June 20, 2013

Archery by Luka

I could see the target and I was ready to fire the  bow. Then I shot the arrow at the target. I was wondering if I would get it in the board. I got it on the second try! I clicked the arrow on the bow. Then I shot. I could feel the arrow whizzing past my ear. The bad thing was that I missed one of my goes and only had two turns. I liked doing archery because I had never done it before and it was really fun.


  1. Hi Luka,
    It's always great when you try something new and you enjoy it!

  2. Hi luka, that was really good discribing words. I felt like I was really there

  3. well done luka your way better then me at archery and a really good post.

  4. Hi Luka good discribing words.You must had a good time there.keep up the good work.

    By george
