Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lucy and Maddy sing about computers

Computers by Maddy & Lucy from Room 11 on Vimeo.

Task: choose a technological item that is important to you and find out information about it. Write a poem/speech/report/song/rap about it.


  1. OMG that is such an amazing song you both have wonderful voices you'd win the X-factor as a team if your dream's are to become singers do it as a team. Your song is humorous and very nice.
    anonymous :)!
    P.S.) you could totally rock the stage!

  2. totally awesome. You have wonderful voices.
    Hunter, Jakob, George and Josh!

  3. why do you say he liked cabbage.But its a good song anyway.

  4. Hi,
    That was such an amazing video peeps!
    Your voices! Your should go on X-factor!!!!!!

  5. Hi

    That was an amazing song.
    You guys have such great voices you two could easily
    become the next Little Mix!
    Your voices blended so well together and you both kept the pitch even - awesome - good on you both! Keep up the good work.

    Nina and Mum

  6. totally awesome song


  7. I agree with Anouska and your voices are amazing beautiful and hopefully you like my song just as much as I love yours!

  8. Hey Lucy and Maddy,
    I really love your song it is very creative. I also love your guys voices it is amazing.

  9. Hi Lucy and Maddy
    I think that you guys have lovely vocie and if you guys went to the X FACTOR yous would of made it in.Your guys songs is really awesome KEEP IT UP.!!!!!!!!!!!
    From Oceania

  10. that song was AWESOME!

  11. Why did you say he liked cabbage???
    That song was awesome!!!That would of taken agaes to think of!!!


  12. That was a really clever song.
    I enjoyed it lots.

  13. Hey Lucy and Maddy,

    You guys sound so great. You could totally waste Jackie Thomas on the X factor. Your song is really creative. It must have taken ages to think of. YOU GO GIRLS.

    From Scarly & Charlotte

  14. Hi Lucy and Maddy,

    We really liked your song it was in time to your beat
    and very creative rhyming and good lyrics. Your song is creative.

    from Nina and Izzy

  15. Hey Maddy and Lucy,

    Great song i loved all the rymes and you guys are really good at singing nice job!!!

  16. hi Lucy and Maddy,

    You guys have such amazing voices and its a really good song.
    keep up the good singing!
