Monday, October 3, 2011

Alex's writing about Claude Monet's Water Lily

Claude Monet’s Water Lily
The wind picked up like a bird to flight and I was thrown into the wildness of a deep river. A petal, like a hand, reached out and caught me and I was safe in the depths of a grand water lily. The violent rapids led me to the outskirts of humanity, the ocean. Crayfish swam but scuttled away at the sight of gulls, with their piercing cries and beady eyes, as they caught a glimpse of me. One dived at cascading speed and picked the water lily up and took us to the safety of Claude Monet’s elegant garden, to our home. And since I’m just a water drop, in my mind anything is possible.
By Alex


  1. Hi Alex,
    I just love the way how you make your writing so creative and interesting. To me it was like reading the first page from a best selling authors novel. Your descriptive language made your writing stand out and really affective. I hope that one day you do become a writer so that every one knows who Alex really is and all the crazy and creative things you can come up with!! Well Done Alex you should be really proud of yourself!!!

  2. wow!
    you are very talented, that was such an inspiring story. I love how you really let yourself out weldone!
