Thursday, October 6, 2011

Liam and Malachi's SCAMPER Design

Liam and Malachi used the creative design tool SCAMPER to improve the Grey Lynn School pool. They made a model and wrote a letter to persuade Mr Barker to make the changes. Here is their work:

Grey Lynn School
44 Surrey Crescent
Grey Lynn
Monday 3rd October 2011
Dear Mr Barker,
We have been working on a task where we had to improve our school swimming pool.
We used SCAMPER to help us do it. SCAMPER stands for substitute, combine, adapt, modify or minify, put to another use, eliminate and reverse. It is a creative thinking tool.
For substitute we would destroy the dirty changing rooms and build them back spotless so we don’t get athlete's feet and verucas.  At the bottom of the pool we would combine a floor vibrator with a wavy floor texture the teachers could create waves and we could learn sea safety. We thought that we could adapt the pool to fit in a massive hydro slide and that would be awesome because we would go really fast and have fun at school. Then we thought that we could also use it for ultimate pool parties which would be fun for teachers and kids. We would eliminate the rough and bumpy concrete floor around the pool and made it flat concrete so we don’t get sore feet.  We also decided it would it would be good to reverse or turn the pool around so we could create a better angle for the hydro slide.
So please consider making these changes. They would be beneficial for all Grey Lynn School students and staff.
Yours sincerely,
Malachi and Liam, Room 11

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liam and Malachi,
    Your new design of the school swimming pool is really awesome. I can not belive that you made all of that out of paper! I don't even think I can come up with that. I know I'm convinced. Well Done guys you used SCAMPER really well!
