Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sunk by Lotta

I'm woken up by a worried call  for everyone to get to the front deck.                           
I grab my shawl, wrap it around me and rush out to see what this palaver is all about. The barely          lit hall looms ahead but I do what the voice has told me to do and stream to get to the top deck like a few others. I can faintly hear the captain's demands and the doomed foot steps of the crew frantically    running around. When I am outside I can clearly tell what has happened, ice bergs are a fair distance      but just one has managed to dig itself into the boat's bow, we have officially hit an iceberg and are sinking. The cold howling wind brushes my face as I rush to the barrier to find the sea getting closer inch by inch, second by second. I'm too busy watching to realize that the flustered passengers threaten each just to get a place in a life boat. Thoughts flow through my mind, how is my family? What's happening in my home town? Then it hits me! Why am I just standing here!? I rush up to where the life boats are getting released, but I'm too late. All the life boats are gone. My only resort is to jump into    the cruel sea.
So that's what I do...

by Lotta


  1. Hi Lotta,

    What a really good writer you are!

    Keep it up, From Shaan

  2. Hiya Lotta,

    Very descriptive and dramatic. Keep up the good work.

    From your friend,

    Minh Anh

  3. WOW Lotta what a breath taking writing you've done. Keep it up!!!!!!!!:)

  4. That was so amazing I really enjoyed reading it.
