Friday, October 29, 2010

How to 'take a photo'

You will need:

A digital camera
Something to take a photo of


1. Put one hand through the loop attached to the camera.
2. Place both hands firmly on the camera,then lift it up so you can see through the screen.
3. Aim the camera at what you want to take a photo of through the screen.
4. Put one finger on the big button at the top of the device .
5. Press down on the button.

Well done you have now successfully taken a photo:)

By Gus, Year 6


  1. Hi room 11

    Thanks for letting us know how to take a photo .Did you know you were doing procedure writing?

    from Matt and Anisah

  2. NICE work GUS. I beat you have taken lots of photos. What types of photos do you like taking? (:

  3. Hi GUS great explanation of how to take a photo it looks like you have taken a lot of pictures.
