Thursday, September 19, 2013

St Luke's Food hall by Nina, Oska and Eli

My hands squash the sticky sushi as I rub my greasy hands against the tray trying desperately to rub off the sticky mess that clung to it. Glancing around I watch the ocean sized crowd pushing and shoving to get their food. I choked as sticky fried rice got stuck to the top of my mouth not allowing me to swallow. The smell of salty chips assaulted my nostrils as the person next to me noisily ate his ENORMOUS McDonald's Big Mac. The stove sizzled and popped as the Mexican chefs cooked their delicious food. A horrible new smell marched over to me as a child opened the bin next to me releasing out a smell of old scraps and rotten cabbage. A kid walked past me his ice cream dangerously close to the edge of the cone. I watched it fall down from its perilous perch and hit the slimy floor with a SPLAT. I snatch a sugary donut out of my pocket and take a huge bite savouring every last bit. Lost change rubs against my hands I put in my pocket running my fingers along the grooves. The chefs happily splutter orders.

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