Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The House On Furgus Rd (Part 1) Enjoy!

I stared at the house. It stared back at me. It stood there still and silent except from the sound of the blinds clickity-clacking on the window. There was something intriguing about that house, something extraordinary. Though, my mind tells me to go home and forget about that house my instincts told me to go and find out what that extraordinary thing about the house is. First step, second step, third step, I am outside the house my hands are shaking as I reached for the door knob. As though it was expecting me, the door creaked open. I gingerly stepped through the hall way, it was then when I heard a scream followed by the sound of an evil laugh. Terrified, I tried back away but found that my feet would not move backwards but only forwards. I crept on expecting something to happen any mooo..... AAAAAAAAAA!
There was that scream again. This time it was louder and more terrifying.
I went on and found a girl about 6 years older than me in a corner head in hands sobbing. 
I crept towards her but I missed a loose plank and tripped, she looked up. "Please help me" She said between tears. She looked at me hopefully. Her eyes red from crying. I couldn't turn her down.  So I agreed.
She began to tell me what was wrong:
"I lived here since I was 6. I kept on seeing these things. I saw them everywhere. They tried to pull me away before. They sensed someone was here, so they went away. But they will still try to capture me no matter what.Thank you for coming. Thank you for helping me. I am overwhelmed that you are here." 

To Be Continued.....

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