Monday, June 20, 2011

Camp Conga Line

Camp Conga Line from Room 11 on Vimeo.


  1. James said he liked how the conga line went really fast and Elijah wondered why Sian was in the front?

    "Your feet didn't look like they were moving", said Jack.
    Very cool special effects !

    "You didn't bump into each other. Amazing !" said Ben.

    Where did the conga line end? You danced right off our screen ! Toby said.

  2. Donna from Room 1Monday, June 20, 2011

    Ha ha I really enjoyed watching your conga line. It cracked me up!

  3. Hi camp people,
    That was really fast that it made me want to do the camp conga line and be the leader of the conga line at home. Did you have fun doing it?
    From anetema

  4. I can't belive the conga line turned out that well it looked so cool we had a great time doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    From Alex

  5. It looked like every one was drifting across the floor because the movement was going so fast. It looked like everyone was having so much fun hope we get to do it again!!!!

  6. Hey Campers
    Wow I was amazed it turned out so well! It looked like everyone was putting
    so much effort into it to make it look as amazing as it is!
