Friday, June 8, 2012

How the Dinosaurs Became Extinct By Jack

In Room 11 we have been learning about myths and legends. We had a choice of 9 different tasks. One of the ones I chose was to create your own myth linking to something that has happened in the world. Mine is 'How the Dinosaurs Became Extinct'. Here's mine enjoy the show:

How the Dinosaur became extinct by Jack from Room 11 on Vimeo.


  1. Hello Jack,

    I think that the title How Dinosaurs Became Extinct was a very creative thing to do.It showed the dinosaurs were ecxtinct because the golf ball got hit way out of bounds smashing into earth!

    Well done Jack!

  2. Hi Jack

    I thought your movie was very humorous, very creative and informative. I really enjoyed it and I hope you keep posting!
    Fabulous work!

    From Ce
