Friday, July 20, 2012

100 Days of Learning By Hugo and Max J

On the 100th day of school we celebrate our learning and successes. Our mums, dads and special visitors are invited to come in and look at our work. We also go  into different classes and visit your siblings. Our parents like looking at our nice work.  We also bring canned food in and see how many we can get. Our aim is always 100 or more. We donate the cans to the Auckland City Mission. Here are out photos of today:

100 Days of Learning by Max J from Room 11 on Vimeo.


  1. I enjoyed today Max especially when I saw children talking positively and intelligently about their learning. It was also good to see Grandparents getting involved.

  2. Hi Max J and Hugo,

    It looks like 100 days of learning was a lot of fun! We collected lots of cans and gold coins.
    If you were to rate 100 days of learning out of ten and say why, what would it be?


  3. Hi Max and Hugo!

    I really enjoyed your blog post about the 100 days. I like that as you reflected on the past 100 days, you also looked forward, even as far forward as 100 years from now with all the dreams and hopes discussed and recorded. Let's hope they all come try for you all....action them !

