Friday, July 20, 2012

Snap-shot of the movies By Jennifer

The lights dimmed as I sat in my seat holding a bag full of popcorn. I could mell the buttery essence, smoking towards my nose. Looking straight ahead I could see the big screen shining towards my face. My taste buds sizzled, popped, banged because of the buttercup coloured popcorn. My ears adjusted towards the speakers because of the splash of raindrops banging, splashing the ground. With the palm of my hand gripping the arm of my seat I could suddenly feel my sisters fear. Shaking, nonstop.


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    Were you fearful too?

  2. A well constructive piece of writing Jennifer. I love the emotions in this.

  3. Hey Jennifer,

    I like your piece of writing about
    when you went to the movies.I
    bet the movie BRAVE was a good
    movie to go and watch.

    From Salote

  4. Hey Jennifer cool movie to write about you did a great job on it.
    What a great picture. It should of been on the EVENT website
