Friday, November 26, 2010

Conrad Smith Jones

Conrad Smith Jones was a shop keeper the would war 2 began in 1939 and it finished in 1945.Conrad Smith came home with a big smile because the would war 2 ended then he had to find a job he was walking down the path to find a new job so Conrad Smith Jones built a big dairy shop it had heaps of stuff like radios heaps of fruit like apples bananas tomato even there vegetable carrot Conrad Smith Jones had brown skin he is sort of tall he is really bulky he has brown eyes Conrad Smith Jones wife name was Rosy she was looking after the kids well her husband was at war Conrad Smith Jones finished work he saw the Italy plans and then he ran home quickly as he can his wife  and kids all pack there bags Conrad Smith Jones went to war he went to would war 2 it was really a big battle Conrad smith Jones was in New Zealand he had to battle Italy New Zealand fired bombs and guns at Italy was fired bombs to New Zealand Conrad Smith Jones got really angry Conrad Smith Jones grabbed a bazooka and guns he fired a bazooka at the Italy finally the war ended in 1945 Conrad Smith Jones came home. His kids and wife his brother gave Conrad Smith Jones big hug. Their kids and his wife also gave Conrad a big hug and they lived together.

By Fa'alolo


  1. wow awesome naritive i loved it...!!!!

  2. Hi Fa'lolo
    That was a cool writing.
    Remember to put in fullstops.

  3. remember make it intresting and put full stops
