Friday, May 16, 2014

A deserted beach by Emily

Soft sand slips under my feet. The sea shimmers like glass. Twisted rocks coil around cliffs with seagulls screeching as if they are calling for someone desperately. The crash of the waves seem
distant even though I am close. Not a sign of civilization. I am isolated from people, just gulls searching for food.

By Emily


  1. Awesome descriptive writing Emily, I especially loved the twisted rocks coil around cliffs. Did you look at a picture to motivate you?


  2. Hi Emliy

    We love your descriptive, dreamy story about the deserted beach. It felt like i was on a deserted beach

    By Ina and Jaime

  3. HI Emily,
    I enjoyed reading your story. I like the way you have used descriptive adjectives and verbs to make your story come to life!
    Are you going to write more?
    Thanks Bryan

  4. Wow Em,
    Such a cool story it makes me want to be there with you. I mean the part were it says " as if they were calling for somone desperately" who would of thought of that. Really nice story Em. Love it! :{)

  5. hi ems
    this is really brilliant poem!!!!!
    from Petra
