Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bob's Bush Camp by Seko

As I twirled my pan with sizziling butter my stomach starts to rumble like a roaring dragon. The dough and flour between my fingers felt like slime moving all over. The heat of the fire made me feel like my head was stuck in a volcano. The scones tasted like melted gold. I licked my fingers and I drank my tea.


  1. hi seko i like your wirting about bobs bush camp alex and mineralex140

  2. HI Seko,
    I really Like your witing Keep up the good work

  3. Hi Seko,

    Great writing about Bob's Bush Camp. Keep up the great work.

    From Shaan

  4. HI Seko
    LOVE IT!!!!!!
    It was awesome and really descriptive.
    Keep up the stories.
    Holly : )

  5. Makes me want to be there Seko...fabulous writing :)
