Friday, July 20, 2012

Horse Riding by Celia

The horse shuddered as I slid into the saddle head up, back straight holding onto the reins. As I sat up there I felt tall and I could see for miles. On the immense hills the grass swayed in the wind and the rickety fence a jar open just wanting some company. I could smell the pines prickly smell as it tickled the end of my nose. I could feel the silky brown coat of the horse and the mane sliding between my fingers. The horse glided through the deep mud mud oozing out of the shoe. I felt free as the breeze tickled my cheeks and the grass swept a path for us. The pines among us seemed to silently whisper to each other and turn as we passed them. Pines cones were crunching beneath our feet as we trotted over the hill on our journey.

By Celia


  1. Hi Celia,
    Your writing made me feel as if I was riding the horse with you! Ka pai.

  2. Yes, I agree with Sepora I too felt I was riding the horse.

  3. Hey Ce,

    I enjoyed reading your story about
    you riding a horse I wish I could
    ride on a horse.Keep up the great

    From Salote
