Friday, May 31, 2013

Household Technology by Josh

In Room 11 we have been learning to write reports. This is Josh's report on household technology. Pretty good for a first attempt!!!

Household technology is technology that was made to make human's lives easier and get things done faster and help us around the house. Three examples of household technology are the TV, toaster and shower.

TVs are mostly black and grey. Most houses have at least one TV. TVs are good for finding out curious things in the world. TVs are sometimes thin or fat.

Toasters are used for making toast. Toasters are a small square shape. Most houses have a toaster in the kitchen on the bench. Toasters take three minutes to make a piece of toast.

Showers are good for washing off dirt and other muck. Showers are mostly made from clear glass with grey walls or tiles. Most houses have one shower in their bathroom.

Household technology has become a great part of human's life on earth. Household technology has helped people all around the world. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Josh,
    That was................ You will find out in my next comment .............................. bye ...................................................
