Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Surfing Snapshot By Oska

The sticky board under my feet sliced through the surge, throwing up spray as white as snow. The sound of booming waves against the rocks echoed  through my head. I felt the strong tugging flow of the rushing water. The transparent water is as clear as a crystal, I can see my cousins through the wave. I felt my heartbeat in my chest pounding against my ribs. The stickiness of the wax is like glue keeping my feet on the board. I trust the wax to keep me put.


  1. Hi Oska

    Your wirting is great. We really liked your descriptive words and wow words.
    We really liked your topic.

    From Ina, Oliver

  2. Anetema and OceaniaWednesday, May 22, 2013

    Hey oska,
    We love how you used wow words in each sentence.Also we love how you made us feel like were there. Amazing :)

    From Anetema and oceania
