Thursday, May 23, 2013

The sounds of my house by Harry

WALT: use onomateopoeia (technology)

The lawnmower growls,
the car rumbles,
the kettle whistles
and the aerial sways.

The tap drips,
the bath gurgles,
the light clicks
and the fan swishes.

The computer beeps,
the phone rings,
the microwave dings
and the radio sings.


  1. Hi Harry!!!
    I love how you wrote the microwave dings and the radio sings.
    They both rime : ]
    Good writing!!!

  2. Hi Harry,
    Love the "lawnmower growls" line because the lawnmower can be either the machine or the person.

  3. Hi Harry,
    I really love how you used onomatopoeia when they are not normal used for what you used them for.Amazing writing!
