Thursday, April 28, 2011

Biography: Anne Frank

WALT: write a biography

Have you ever been to a concentration camp?” Anne Frank was one of the many people who was tortured and  sadly died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War 2.
Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt  in Germany on June 12th 1929 to a Jewish family. In 1933 the Frank family moved to Amsterdam. On Anne’s 13th birthday she received  a diary,  she named it ‘Kitty’. By Anne’s 13th birthday the Nazis were taking over and making anti- Jewish rules in Amsterdam. Anne and her sister Margot had to go to a Montessori school because  Adolf Hitler disallowed  Jews to go to school with other non-Jewish children. Jewish children had to wear the star of David to be identified.
When World War 2 started Otto Frank and some of his clients created a hiding place for them and the Frank family . They all moved into the cramped living space. Anne Frank wrote about life in the annex (they couldn’t leave at all), in her diary.
One day in August 1944, a little after two years of hiding, the Frank family was found and put into concentration camps. Anne and her sister died of typhus, Edith died of starvation. Otto Frank was the only one who survived  out of the frank family
After Anne Frank died her dad (Otto Frank)  published her diary. Here is a quote, “I’m honest and tell people right  to their faces what I think even when its not very flattering. I want to be honest. I think it  gets you further and also makes you feel better about your self,” March 25, 1944.
Anne Frank is remembered in many ways. Her diary has been made into a play and a movie. Margot had kept a  diary during the hiding period  but after she died nobody could find it or had any  idea where it was and where it went too.

By Frederica, Year 6, 2011


  1. Frederica,

    I know you worked really hard on this biography! You did a great job organising all your information together. Well done.


  2. Thanks to you Frederica my knowledge has improved by heaps in the area of Anne Frank & world war 2! I really enjoyed reading your biography I thought that it was really interesting & it caught my eye. Well done!:D

  3. Lucy!

    Have a great comment you left for Frederica!

  4. Hey Frederica,
    I really enjoyed reading your biography. Its so interesting. I learnt heaps about her.I never even heard or knew about Anne Frank until now.Now i know lots about her.Good Job:)
