Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Frederica's Bio Poem

WALT: summarise information

Frederica has summarised who she is in this poem:

Brown, tall, caring and kind
Daughter of Ma’a and Josephine, sister of Alicia , Ethan and Jozier
Lover of music and singing Beyonce songs
Who feels strongly about the environment and her family
Who feels needs her asthma pump and the support of her family and friends
Who gives kindness, respect and help to others
Who fears of losing her asthma pump, her friends and family
Who would like to always have a good relationship with her friends and family and achieve her life goals
Who comes from New Zealand and lives in Grey Lynn


  1. Hey Frederica,
    I really like your Bio poem now I know alot more about you:)

  2. Hey Frederica,
    Your bio poem tells me lots about you.I think that you will achieve all of your goals because you work so hard every day.And i wouldent like losing my friends,family or asthma pump either.

  3. Hi Frederica,
    I liked reading your bio poem, I don't think I would like to lose an asthma pump either,and I hope you achieve your life goals!
    From Lola!

  4. Hi Rica
    good description of your bio poem I think it was great, your smile was funny maybe next time you can draw a picture on kid picks any way it was cool. i would not want to lose my asthma pump and my family and I hope you achieve your life goals

    From Ethan and Ben
