Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cause for Celebration 4: Willie's Tournament

On Friday me, mum, dad, my two brothers and my sister went to Rotorua because my brother and I went to represent the best all over NZ in touch. On our way to Rotorua we went to a lot of towns made out of all roofing iron. One hour later we arrived at the holiday home where we were living. Once we got to our house we had 2 bunk beds and 2 bedrooms. We also had a pool for everyone, a game room and a television room. When we played we had 4 draws and 2 losses. If we won at least 1 game we would have made it to the finals and maybe won the trophy for Auckland. On our way back we stopped for ice cream. We came home on monday at 2 .00pm

Willie in his touch uniform.


  1. Hi Willie,

    Rotorua must of been fun!Also playing touch over there it would of been the best few days ever!Good work for trying your best!

  2. Hi Willie,

    I enjoyed reading your recount about Rotorua. Your family must be pretty good at playing touch!

    I look forward to reading more of your writing!
    From Kate
