Thursday, February 16, 2012

Interesting facts about Storms By Jennifer

In Room 11 the Book Bandits have been reading a book about Storms.Storms can strike at any time of the day.We learnt that there are different types of storms and how you stay safe.Here are some facts I learnt about storms:

-If Thunder is heard and you can see the flash of Lightning too,that means it is very close to you.
(Or they could even be lurking around the top of your house!Scary!)

-Cyclones get called their names in alphabetical order.The first Cyclone that ever hit was beginning with an A.It was called 'Adam.'

-Scientists can estimate weather a few days away.(4)

-Over 200 years ago Francis Beaufort made a Machine to predict the weather.

-A Funnel is in a Tornado.The Funnel is what sucks up anything in its way.Then drops them back down when its moving.

-In America,The United States gets hundreds of Tornados a year.Isn't that shocking?

-A Funnel of dust that spins round and round i that you find in places where it is completly dry.(aka Sahara desert or anywhere else in the World that is dry.

-Other Countries around the world have very strong shelters to keep safe.It can hold more than 100 people.

Thankyou for reading some interesting facts about Storms,I hope you liked it!
Please leave a comment about this.

By Jennifer


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I enjoyed reading your storm facts... I liked the one about how storms are named in alphabetical order. In fact (excuse the pun!) I think when I was at school we may have learned about storms as well.. all your facts are jogging my memory.

    From Kate

  2. How do scientist predict the weather?

    1. @Mr Barker,

      well Scientists predict the weather by using machines and also they send weather balloons up into the sky and they come back floating down to land.(They're not balloons that you use in parties!)
      Computers help Scientists understand all the information the are given.
      If you did know that there is a Satellite up in space that gets all the weather all around the World and send back to the Weather reporters or Scientists.

  3. Hey Jenifer
    I really enjoyed reading your cool facts I did not know Over 200 years ago Francis Beaufort made a Machine to predict the weather!!!! keep up the great work.

  4. Hey Jenifer I love the look of your work and i can tell you put a lot of effort into it keep up the awesome work I hope to see more of your awesome work on this blog.

    2010 student in Grey Lynn School

    1. @Lovely,

      thankyou so much for commenting on my work!Its nice to see you reading some work of 2012 students,when you were here at 2010!

  5. Hi Jennifer,

    your facts are AMAZING and your picture is so cool
    keep up the great work.
