Thursday, February 16, 2012

STORMS by Salote

On Wednesday we had to list down the most interesting facts about storms. I'm going to share my facts.

- Scientists use many different machines to find out when a
storm is going to happen

- They send back information about
wind and cloud.

-The weather changes when the temperature
in the air changes.


  1. Hi Salote,

    those facts you listed are some very interesting ones indeed.Especially the last one!Impressive.

    I cant wait to read more of your writing on this Blog.

  2. Hi Salote,

    Very interesting! Both you and Alfa have writing on your class blogs today - have you read his recount?

    From Kate

    1. Hello Kate,

      Thank you for the lovely comment
      and yes I did see Alfa's recount about

      From Salote

  3. It is very interesting to see what happens when warm and cold air meet. My degree is in Geography and I took a paper in climatology. I have always had a fascination in weather patterns and systems. Look up on Google warm and cold fronts. What happens to the air temperature when it rains? How could you investigate this? What happens when air is forced up over Mountains like the Southern Alps?

  4. Hi Salote

    your facts are very interesting and
    you have a great diagram.
