Friday, June 13, 2014

Matthew and Shaan's EOTC movie

This week the year 5's had EOTC week, while the year 6's were at camp. Matthew and Shaan have made a EOTC movie about Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
                                                    Hope you enjoy!!!

EOTC from Room 11 on Vimeo.


  1. Hi Matthew and Shaan,
    Wow a great movie....what an excellent movie. The activities from EOTC week look exciting and I could see great teamwork between the year 5's.
    Fantastic movie boys,

  2. hi Matthew and Shaan, that kayaking in the water looked freezing cold!!
    Rose Rm 12

  3. Stella Allanson (Felix's sister)Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    Great Movie about EOTC, your choice of song was cool! Looked like EOTC was really good fun!

  4. Excellent movie, Matthew & Shaan. You guys had an awesome week. Great Music. Matthew's Mum
