Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Egyptian Homework Project By Eva

In room 11 we were assigned to a homework project about Egypt. We got three weeks to present a project about a different subject. Mine was about Cleopatra's marriages and all the men she married. We had a time to share our project and a time to leave comments. My work got five comments they were.....

 * I like the way you presented your project: Mia V
 * I love your project it is so amazing: Annabella
 * I really like your presentation: Langi
 * I love how you made it different and it is very interesting: Mia M
 * I love what hard work you put into it: Ruby

 By Eva 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eva cool project you have thought side the the box for your presintation and
    Your facts were very interesting.

    From Anton
